If you look at the people who are serious about silver and finding 100+ silver coins in hunted out
I agree with others that learning your machine is important, as is experience and just putting in a lot of hours swinging. But the E-Trac is easy to use, an old coinhunters dream. I'm running preset coin mode and auto sensitivity and the silver just keeps jumping under the coil begging to be taken home.
If you are hunting virgin homesites then any detector will produce for you. But if you're searching the same old sites that everyone else is, the Minelabs will give you the edge.
Most of these coins were not that deep. The majority were in the 4-6" range, just being masked by trash, iron, or undetectable by being on edge, etc. The advantage of the Minelab is the target ID is super accurate... so you dig signals that you might pass over with other machines because they don't sound good.
If you are a relic and bullet kinda guy, or an all-metal all the time guy, the Minelab might not be for you. But it you're a coinshooter, the E-Trac is the last word.
Bryce: http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,209115.0.html
Dan: http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,209005.0.html
Gary: http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,210334.0.html
Mike: http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,212098.0.html